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“Culture is what, in death, continues to be life.”


Have you ever wondered why a social group behaves in a certain way? Where do the beliefs instilled in you from childhood come from? All of this has to do with the culture of the place where we live. Culture is the foundation of the construction of a society and dictates the identity norms of a people, their beliefs, language, customs, and more. It gives humans a sense of belonging.

To understand the history of a people, just look at their culture because culture shows us where we come from, where we are, and where we are going. There are different types or forms of cultural expression such as artistic, artisanal, gastronomic, intellectual, religious, but it is not limited to this. Everything created by humans should be considered a cultural trait. So, specifically speaking about artistic culture, it is made up of different disciplines such as photography, theater, dance, painting, and cinema, among others. Humans are beings that need stimuli and the ability to express themselves, and this is where art comes in. As members of a society, humans already follow rules, but we also need to express ourselves and enhance our curiosity, our creativity; this is achieved through art, and that’s why art plays a fundamental role in the culture of a people.

In any of its forms, art has the ability to provoke a change in humans, as it is often a reflection of the reality we live in. Sometimes it is difficult to face ourselves, and artists through their work can confront us as individuals and as a society. They make us reflect on our decisions, our way of acting, and the life we lead, showing us possibilities that we may not have considered, making us change the direction we have followed until now. However, their goal is not only to leave a message of reflection for people but also serves as a distraction or entertainment to make the viewer have a pleasant moment.


If we look at the artistic expressions of our ancestors, such as drawings on stone, or the expressions of more recent generations, it will be easy for us to know how they lived before and how we have evolved to this day. This is precisely one of the most fascinating characteristics of art; it is something that will never disappear, that transforms over time, and that allows us to know the history of our people. Art and culture go hand in hand, and both contribute to the development of a society. For this reason, everything necessary must be done to preserve them, especially in countries like ours, where the cultural wealth we possess is immense. But how can we preserve our culture? Undoubtedly, it is a shared responsibility between the government, educational institutions, and citizens or members of a community. Some mechanisms to achieve this are cultural education, support for the arts and traditions, cultural protection policies, community involvement, and the promotion of cultural tourism, to name a few.

By taking measures to preserve and promote our cultural roots, we can ensure that they remain a vital part of our lives and those of future generations because, as the French novelist André Marlaux said, ‘Culture is what, in death, continues to be life.’ 

Patricia Miralbés is an actress and a graduate in journalism. She collaborates with the ENTREMUNDOS Magazine by writing cultural articles as an opportunity to unite two of her great passions: art and communication.