Lourdes Aguilar Community-based tourism is a local development strategy in which communities, through their organization, play a central role in..
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by Anny Ventura Puac In their day-to-day life, on their own lands and throughout their history, First Peoples live out..
By Deysee Maribel Cotom Ixcot Indigenous authorities have existed since before the Spanish invasion. Indigenous people had their own government,..
Por Mariajosé Juanta We consider as garbage everything that we think has no use or value. But if a process..
Por Rocío Palacios Castellanos Every day, we buy and consume products that generate waste. Nobody in Guatemala can say that..
Visiting Palajunoj Valley ande the Municipal Dump in Xela By Ursula and Tanel In our table at the restaurant, we..
My name is María José Longo Bautista. Starting in May I will be coordinating EntreMundos Magazine, which is a reason..
Women’s participation in decision-making spaces in the Basque Country and Guatemala By Entreamigos- Lagun Artean Twenty years ago, women from..
By Rodrigo Sac Amaya Conservatism, machismo, and religion can negatively influence access to proper sexual education and lead to inaccurate..